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UPDATE: The First Jasper Star In FM World

JASPER STAR - First ever awardee
Finally, the highest position FM GROUP could ever give to it's leaders - JASPER STAR is now handed to the fisrt ever awardee, Mrs. Irena Oliver from Great Britain! Mrs. Oliver is the first person to have achieved the Jasper Star effectiveness level, in April 2014, exploring thereby the new opportunities that FM GROUP offers their Business Partners by having introduced the Marketing Plan 3. Irena Oliver started her adventure with FM GROUP in May 2006. From the very beginning she believed in the company’s potential and thanks to great determination, already five months later she achieved the Pearl Orchid effectiveness level. Within the following two and a half years she reached the Diamond Orchid level which she has maintained until today. Irena manages an international structure of over 25 thousand people. She operates mainly on the British, Lithuanian and Ukrainian markets. What she enjoys most about the cooperation with FM GROUP is the opportunity for helping her colleagues develop and showing them new possibilities to achieve success. Congratulations to the first FM GROUP’s Jasper Star, we wish you further success!

What an achievement she got and what an inspiration to us. She truly proved that you can reach your dream, you can reach your STAR if believe and work on it.

 Irena Oliver - FM GROUP's very first Jasper Star!

She comes from Lithuania but for many years has lived in Great Britain, where as a FM GROUP Leader she passionately promotes the ideas of multi-level marketing. Since nothing is impossible for her she successfully build sales structures around the world. She constantly sets new goals. In 2013 she decided to become FM GROUP’s very first Jasper Star. In 2014 she has proved that she does not waste words. Irena Oliver, a Jasper Star tells us what did her path to success look like.

Irena, how did your adventure with multilevel marketing start?
It all started back in Lithuania when I noticed the huge opportunities which the multilevel marketing offers, so I enrolled in a company distributing nutritional supplements. In 2006 I married my husband Ted, who is British. I was going to continue cooperation with the supplements company in the UK but it turned out that they did not have a branch in here. I did not know English very well back then, so to earn any money I took the job in a coffee house for 250 pounds a month. I instantly signed up for a language school where I met a FM GROUP leader, who told me about the benefits from cooperation with FM GROUP and became my sponsor.

What did the beginnings look like?
I have truly believed in the cooperation with FM GROUP from the very beginning so everything went smoothly. I joined FM GROUP in May 2006, and already in December I reached the Golden Orchid level. It was a huge success, but I knew I would not rest before I became a Diamond Orchid. Already two years later, in December 2008 I reached my goal. Since then, I have never gone below this level, which makes me very proud.

FM GROUP did not let you rest on your laurels though…
Until last year, the Diamond Orchid level was the highest that one could reach. Obviously, having been on top for a few years gave me a lot of satisfaction but I felt that I needed motivation, a new stimulus to do even more. I love new challenges so when in 2013 at the International Motivational Training in Wrocław, Mr and Mrs Trawiński announced the Marketing Plan 3 I was delighted! I had a new goal. From that moment it was my only focus.

You became the first Jasper Star in the history of FM GROUP.
Yes, and I have to admit that it is a really amazing feeling. There are hundreds of thousands of people around the world who actively operate with FM GROUP, so when I learned that I was the first to enter the Marketing Plan 3, I could not believe it. This news made a huge impression on me. I always try to inspire others and having reached the Jasper Star level is a proof that a person like me, who came to the UK, not knowing the language, can achieve a huge success.

How did you do it?
My success is a merit of my whole structure. I would not have reached anything if it was not for the people, their work and commitment. Recently my son became FM GROUP’s Business Partner. He quickly reached the 21% effectiveness level, so he also contributed to my Jasper Star. It is amazing to work with those whom you love. This opportunity, among other things, is why I appreciate FM GROUP so much.

Another goal has been reached, what is next?
Having reached the level is one thing but being able to keep it is a yet another story. As in the case of the Diamond Orchid, I am going to consistently maintain the Jasper Star level, and later this year aim even higher. Luckily, the Marketing Plan 3 is a guarantee that I will not run out of challenges in the coming years. Now, I am excited and even more motivated to work.

What do you consider your greatest success?
Having reached the level is one thing but being able to keep it is a yet another story. As in the case of the Diamond Orchid, I am going to consistently maintain the Jasper Star level, and later this year aim even higher. Luckily, the Marketing Plan 3 is a guarantee that I will not run out of challenges in the coming years. Now, I am excited and even more motivated to work.

What advice would you give to someone who also wants to reach so far in this business?
I could say that the decision to join FM GROUP was my greatest success. With this company my life has changed radically, I obtained financial independence, which allows me to live as I want. Through the possibility to sponsor internationally I have friends basically all over the world and I travel to all continents. I am a happy, fulfilled woman. But what is most important, I have become a better person. I am more peaceful, believe in myself and the people. I have learned to listen and understand the needs of others better.

There you have it, the first ever JASPER STAR awardee of FM GROUP FRAGRANCES. Congartulation Mrs. Irena Oliver.

*Images are from official website

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